The Greek coffee brewed and the cheese toasties were a hit amongst the gathering of 60 or so passionate people who braved the cold morning to see the live webcast of the referendum result at the Greek Centre from 6am.
With live crosses from ABC news and with a number of other news agencies interviewing the crowd, the morning capped what has been an extensive week of media work for the GCM.
The Greek people have been front and centre in the world’s media this past week and your Greek Community has been doing its bit to try and offer insight and commentary in support of Greece.
The GCM has been actively calling upon the powers that be to consider the suffering of the Greek people and consider debt relief as part of their negotiations with the Greek government.
We are in particular concerned about the brain and youth drain out of the country and have called for greater consideration and empathy to their plight.

Specifically, the GCM issued a number of media releases during the week and in response to these appeared in and on the following media: • The ABC TV (news and 7:30 report) • The Today Show (9 network) • BBC (TV) • Skynews (TV) • 3AW • 2UE • JJJ • ABC Radio • The Age newspaper • The Australian newspaper • The Herald Sun • The Asahi Shinban (Japanese newspaper)
Significantly, in amongst the media calls, the GCM wrote to the Treasurer of the Commonwealth and IMF Governor, The Hon Joe Hockey, to urge compassion and to push at the IMF level for consideration of some relief for the debt laden Greek people. The GCM will continue to call for Debt Relief until a tangible program is delivered. |