Apply to Teach

The Greek Community Language Schools

Teacher Application

Σχολεία Γλωσσών της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας

Αίτηση Εκπαιδευτικού

Σας ευχαριστούμε που υποστηρίζετε τα σχολεία της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας.

Πιθανή εργοδότησή σας στα σχολεία της Ε.Ο.Κ.Μ.Β. θα ισχύει μόνο για την περίοδο Φεβρουαρίου - Δεκεμβρίου και θα είναι εργασία σε προσωρινή βάση.

Προσοχή: Αυτές οι θέσεις είναι διαθέσιμες μόνο σε άτομα που έχουν άδεια εργασίας στην Αυστραλία.

Thank you for supporting the Greek Community Language Schools

These are part-time positions between the months of February to December.

Note: these positions are available only to individuals that are already entitled to work in Australia.


IMPORTANT: After a successful submission, this form will dissapear and a "thank you" message will appear in its place.

If after submission, this form remains, there is an error somewhere you need to fix. The most common one is that the files attached are too large (need to be under 2mb each).

If you don't see the "thank you for your submission" message, we haven't received any of your details

1. Your name
Last Name:(*)
Invalid Input

First Name:(*)
Invalid Input

Επώνυμο (in Greek):
Invalid Input

Όνομα (in Greek):
Invalid Input

2. Your Address
Street Address:(*)
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

3. Contact Details
Invalid Input

Home Phone:
Invalid Input

Mobile Phone:
Invalid Input

4. Work Details
Workplace during the day:
Invalid Input

Work Phone:
Invalid Input

5. Academic Qualifications (attach scans, image or PDF each file up to 2MB only)
Qualification #1:
Invalid Input

Institution, Qualification Name (Year)

Qualification #1 Scan:
Invalid Input. Please make sure the file is of one of the following types: pdf, jpg, gif or png. Also make sure that the file is no larger than 2MB.

Qualification #2:
Invalid Input

Institution, Qualification Name (Year)

Qualification #2 Scan:
Invalid Input. Please make sure the file is of one of the following types: pdf, jpg, gif or png. Also make sure that the file is no larger than 2MB.

Qualification #3:
Invalid Input

Institution, Qualification Name (Year)

Qualification #3 Scan:
Invalid Input. Please make sure the file is of one of the following types: pdf, jpg, gif or png. Also make sure that the file is no larger than 2MB.

Qualification #4:
Invalid Input

Institution, Qualification Name (Year)

Qualification #4 Scan:
Invalid Input. Please make sure the file is of one of the following types: pdf, jpg, gif or png. Also make sure that the file is no larger than 2MB.

LOTE Methodology:

Have you completed the LOTE Methodology during your studies?

Invalid Input
HSC / VCE Level Greek:

Have you studied Greek at HSC/VCE Level?

Invalid Input
Greek at Uni:

Was Greek a part of your university degree?

Invalid Input
LOTE by E.D.:

Completed the Department of Education LOTE Methodology Seminars?

Invalid Input
LOTE by E.D. Year:

If yes, in previous question, year of completion of seminars.

Invalid Input
6. Other Qualifications (attach scans, image or PDF each file up to 2MB only)
Other Qualifications:
Invalid Input

(i.e. First Aid, Asthma/Anaphylaxis Training, Music etc)

Qualification #5 Scan:
Invalid Input. Please make sure the file is of one of the following types: pdf, jpg, gif or png. Also make sure that the file is no larger than 2MB.

Qualification #6 Scan:
Invalid Input. Please make sure the file is of one of the following types: pdf, jpg, gif or png. Also make sure that the file is no larger than 2MB.

Qualification #7 Scan:
Invalid Input. Please make sure the file is of one of the following types: pdf, jpg, gif or png. Also make sure that the file is no larger than 2MB.

Working With Children card:

Do you have a "Working With Children" card? If not you'll need to apply for one immediately.

Invalid Input
Working With Children Scan:
Invalid Input. Please make sure the file is of one of the following types: pdf, jpg, gif or png. Also make sure that the file is no larger than 500KB.

V.I.T. Card:

Do you have a "Victorian Institute of Teaching (V.I.T.)" card?

Invalid Input
V.I.T. Scan:
Invalid Input. Please make sure the file is of one of the following types: pdf, jpg, gif or png. Also make sure that the file is no larger than 2MB.

7. History / Experience
Teaching Experience:
Invalid Input

School Year, School Name, Class Level [fill only if this is the first time teaching for the GOCMV]

Years Teaching with GOCMV:
Invalid Input

Classes Taught at GOCMV:
Invalid Input

School Year - Class Level (Classes you taught during the last 3 years at the GOCMV)

Computer Literacy:

Invalid Input

8. Preferences
School Preference:

Campus/es you'd prefer to teach at (leave blank if no preference)

Invalid Input
Class Level Preference:

Level/s you'd prefer to teach (leave blank if no preference)

Invalid Input
9. Submission
Name of Submitter:
Invalid Input

Human Verification

IMPORTANT: After a successful submission, this form will dissapear and a "thank you" message will appear in its place.

If after submission, this form remains, there is an error somewhere you need to fix. The most common one is that the files attached are too large (need to be under 2mb each).

If you don't see the "thank you for your submission" message, we haven't received any of your details

Alphington Grammar Koinotika Nea - the Greek Community newsletter Requirements for Greek Citizenship

