This Lecture will be presented exclusively in Greek.
Presenter: Professor Contogiorgis (Visiting Lecturer - Australian Institute of Macedonian Studies)
Entry: Free
Professor of Political Science, Mr. Contogiorgis will present a lecture about the main characteristics of Hellenic culture and to what extent this culture remains relevant, vibrant and a source of reference that is used by many throughout the world.
Professor Contogiorgis will methodically analyse the “cosmosystem” of Hellenic culture and how it has been used as a source of knowledge and reference from antiquity until today. In other words, the current advancement of the contemporary world and civilization is nothing more than a repetition of the events and values that the Greeks lived during their 4000 year history. Hence, the Hellenic culture and “cosmosystem” remained relevant in the past, and is relevant today as well as in the future, making Hellenism significant and alive today.
George Contogiorgis, was born on the island of Lefkas. He is a graduate of Law at the University of Athens and obtained his PHD from the University of Paris. Dr Contogiorgis is a Professor of Political Science at Panteion University of Athens.
During his career is has been appointed to numerous Academic & Public posts; the Rector of Panteion University (1984-1990), Secretary General of the Hellenic Association of Political Science (1975-1981), member of the High Council and Research Council at the European University Institute of Florence (1985-1994), twice President-General Director of the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (1985, 1989), and Minister of the Presidency (State Administration, Communication, Media) and Government Spokesman (1993). Additionally, he writer for Athenian daily newspapers and a member of the Athens Bar Association
As Rector, he was associated with university reform in Greece, which resulted in the transformation of five Greek upper schools into universities and the creation of many new departments, research centres and the opening of the university to Greek society and to the outside world strategy.
We would like to thank for Efi Gounaris for sponsoring tonight’s lecture. Such initiatives assist us in providing these lectures free to the public. If you would like to participate as a sponsor from as little as $100 please send us an email:
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We would also like to thank our corporate sponsor TarraWarra Estate:

In October 1916, the Ithacan migrants of Melbourne established the ITHACAN PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETY "The Ulysses", with an inaugural membership of some 153 members. This was in response to pleas for aid from their loved ones in Ithaca who were suffering deprivation during the First World War.
Over the years, however, the Society has been much more than just a philanthropic institution. It has been a constant in the lives of the early Ithacan migrants replacing the homeland which they had left.
The Society takes an active role in the cultural, social, educational and quality of life interests of the Ithacan Community. The Society, as part of its philanthropic role, also makes many monetary contributions to worthy causes, including those outside the immediate Ithacan community. The Society celebrated its 90th Anniversary in 2006.