Press Release
At a function held at Philhellene Provincial Greek Cuisine on Monday 6th June, the Board of Management of the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne & Victoria thanked the first benefactors of the Greek Community Cultural Centre, in the presence of State Government representatives, representatives of the Greek Consul and the Greek media.
The benefactors honoured during the evening included individuals and families who with their contribution acknowledge the importance and significance of creating a Greek Cultural Centre for the State of Victoria. All the benefactors present contributed amounts varying from $50,000 to $250,000 and as a result, $1.3 million was collected.
The Greg Kaias Family, as well as the Beirut Hellenic Bank, contributed the amount of $250,000 respectively. In recognition of their contribution and philanthropy, the Board awarded to all benefactors a commemorative plaque.
On behalf of the State Government, Member for Caulfield David Southwick greeted all those present and emphasised the importance of both business and individual contributions to such a magnanimous project.
Mr. Charalampos Ladopoulos, representing the Consul General of Greece Ms. Lianidou, noted the Hellenic Government's support for the Cultural Centre.
In continuation Mr. Papastergiadis spoke at length of the need to have the support of the whole Greek community and emphasised the significance of the contributions made by the benefactors, noting that 'no man is an island'. "The Cultural Centre is a symbol that amalgamates the old and the contemporary, our culture and our history, our civilisation and our heritage, within this Centre the residents of Victoria will familiarise themselves with Hellenism. We draw courage from you, the people that have contributed and entrusted us with the realisation of the project."
Amongst the first benefactors were the following: Peter Adamopoulos, Nick Andrianakos, Leonidas Argyropoulos, Sakis & Litsa Athanasiadis, Jordan Korosidis, Stylianos Koukouvitakis, Con Mantzis, Bill Papastergiadis, Tony Peres, Anastasios Revis, Nikos Sikavitsas, Harry Stamoulis, Harry Tsalikidis, Arthur Tsouhantaris and Dennis Zapantis.
The event concluded with an evening of provincial Greek cuisine and musical entertainment. |