Lecturer: Dean Kalimniou
Entry: FREE
What makes a traitor? Are the terms collaborator and traitor mutually exclusive?
This lecture looks at the multi-faceted levels of co-operation afforded to Nazi occupying forces in Greece by Greek nationals, during the Secon World War, each for their own diverse reasons.
Ultimately, what emerges is a sub-text of a society at war with itself, while concurrently enduring the occupation of aggressor, and not above utilising the resources of the aggressor in order to promote a particular vision of just how Greek society should be.
Dean Kalimniou is the director of Toorak Law, a law firm specializing in corporate insolvency.
He is also a well known poet and short story writer within the Greek community. He has published four poetry collections Kipos Esokleistos ("Garden Enclosed") (2003), Alexipyrina ("Flameproof") (2004), Apteros Niki ("Wingless Victory") (2008), Anisixasmos (2010) and Plektani, which will be launched at the GOCMV in May. His weekly column Diatribe in Neos Kosmos is also widely read.
Dean Kalimniou has free-lanced for various Australian and Greek journals such as Etchings and Ardin and has also translated various works of prominent Greek-Australian authors from Greek into English, as well as working on the scripts of Greek-Australian short film director Peter Stephanides.
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