FULL TITLE: From the Phasis to the Pillars of Heracles... like frogs around a pond: Ancient Greek overseas “colonisation” and the identity debate
Presenter:Dr Lieve Donnellan
Language of Presentation: English | No knowledge of Greek required.
Greek overseas "colonisation" has been studied for several centuries now. Whereas the era of big digs and spectacular discoveries seems over, the use of new methods continues to shed light on the phenomenon of rapid spreading of Greek settlement and migration in the 8th-6th centuries BCE. Chemical and microscopic analysis, for example, allows to establish the origins of pottery and thus makes it possible to establish routes of trade and exchange. Micro scale analysis of patterns of deposition of artefacts aims at reconstructing past practices and daily life. Through these methods, the narrative of ancient Greek "colonisation" continues to be rewritten. At the same time, our own societal challenges forces us to re-examine not just the Ancient Greek past, but also scholarly treatments of this past. This talk will highlight some recent research into the earliest Ancient Greek "colonisation" in the West and discuss its consequences for our understanding of the Ancient Greek world. It will touch upon the use of new methods and introduce a number of recent new questions and challenges.
Lieve Donnellan graduated from Ghent University in 2012 and next, pursued research at the Universities of Chicago, Göttingen and Amsterdam. Before joining the University of Melbourne as Lecturer in Classical Greek Archaeology, she was Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology at Aarhus University in Denmark. Her research focuses on early Greek "colonisation" and urban architecture in mainland Greece. She currently conducts fieldwork in Calabria (Magna Graecia) and Boeotia. Most recently, she edited the volume Archaeological Networks and Social Interaction (2020), a work spearheading new digital methods in the archaeological discipline.
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* R.M.L.G.: Recommended Minimum Level of Greek in order to enjoy this Event, on a scale of 0 to 5.
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