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Northcote High School will continue teaching Greek

altAfter a period of uncertainty, Northcote High School confirmed that it will continue to provide the subject of Greek to all students in 2018 and onwards.

The principal of the school, Katie Morris, gave this commitment during a meeting with the vice president of the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) and education convenor Theo Markos, the executive director of North East Melbourne Area of the Education Department, Chris Thompson and representatives of the parents and the student association NUGAS Victoria.

Katie Morris acknowledged that in hindsight, it was probably a mistake of the school to decide to put a stop to languages last year and reiterated the significance that languages play in students general learning.

She also mentioned that she is quite pleased with the enrolments this year and that Greek will also continue to be offered at all levels next year with the possibility of composite classes if need be.

Chris Thompson was also very supportive of the continuation of language teaching at Northcote HS, especially Greek and Italian.
Kate Morris said that she felt that the quality of the Greek program has improved over the past few years and was highly complementary of her teachers as well as the Seconded teacher from Greece.

“At this stage I too would like to congratulate the teachers for their exemplary work given the difficult conditions which they have worked under over the past couple of years and congratulations also go to Vassiliki Mirtsidou, the Seconded teacher provided by the Greek government,” said Theo Markos.

“My suggestion will be for a group of parents, teachers and other interested parties to get together and form a team that monitors the progress of Greek and other languages at Northcote HS.”

Theo Markos also thanked parent representative Fionn Skiotis and Sam Triantafillopoulos from NUGAS for participating in today's meeting.

Alphington Grammar Koinotika Nea - the Greek Community newsletter Requirements for Greek Citizenship

