Professor Vrasidas Karalis from the University of Sydney will launch this year's Greek History and Culture Seminar series, with an interesting lecture entitled “From Helladism to Neo-Hellenism”, on Thursday 8 March 2018.
The seminar series is offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM). Please note that the lecture will be held at the Ithacan Philanthropic Society (Level 2, 329 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne).
The lecture addresses the question of the various conversations taking place within the Greek nation-state and the Greek diaspora about the character and the content of national identity in an era when ‘fluid modernity” dominates the context of the question and examines some of the emerging conceptual schemes in order to reconceptualise national identity itself.
Vrasidas Karalis teaches Modern Greek Studies at the University of Sydney where he holds the Sir Nicholas Laurantos Chair in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies. He has published extensively on Byzantine historiography, Greek political life, Greek Cinema, European cinema, the work of Patrick White and contemporary political philosophy. He has edited volumes on modern European political philosophy, especially on Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt and Cornelius Castoriadis.
His books include Recollections of Mr. Manoly Lascaris (2007), The Demons of Athens (2014), A History of Greek Cinema (2012), Realism and Post-War Greek Cinema (2017). He is currently working on the films of Elia Kazan and John Cassavetes.
When: Thursday 8 March 2018, 7:00pm
Where: Ithacan Philanthropic Society (Level 2, 329 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne) |