The Eectoral Committee appointed to conduct the elections for the new Board of Management of the Greek Community of Melbourne announced that the elections were held in accordance with the organisation’s constitution and without irregularities, on 20 January 2019.
The results of the elections are as follows: 1. In total 532 members of the Community voted at the election. 2. 20 ballots were invalid and 512 valid. 3. The 25 candidates received the following votes (The first 19 with the most votes are elected to the Community Board):
Dallas Nikos 496 Koukouvitakis Nikos 493 Iliou Tammy 490 Vlahakis Leonidas 486 Zangalis Vasso 486 Markos Theo 481 Bossinakis Jim 481 Papadopoulos Spiros 481 Papastergiadis Vasilis 478 Markos Costas 477 Pirpiris Marinis 475 Karamitos Michael 473 Georgalis Angela 471 Vasiliadis Philip 470 Costa Alexis 460 Kallianis Voula 459 Pattas Georgina 448 Sgardelis Tass 444 Sikavitsas Chris 435 Papakonstantinou Stella 188 Fifis Christos 143 Tsitas Nondas 104 Houdalakis Michalis 104 Tsirkas Christos 103 Tsakoumis Kostas 94
On behalf of the Election Commission Paul Mavroudis (President) Nikos Poulakos (Secretary)