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Who is the Greek citizen? Citizenship status from the creation of the Greek state till today

altProfessor Dimitris Christopoulos at the Department of Political Science and History of Panteion University, will give a lecture entitled Who is the Greek citizen? Citizenship status from the creation of the Greek state till today”, at the Greek Centre, on Tuesday 24 September, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars, offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne.

Who is the Greek citizen?’’ is par excellence an open question. Which are the criteria that have been used to define “who is the Greek citizen?” during the last two centuries since the emergence of the modern Greek nation-state and until today? Have those criteria been stable in time or shifting? And if they have been shifting, how often do they change and why? What similar criteria of membership in a political community can they be compared with? Which have been the decisive factors that enabled non-Greeks to become Greek citizens? Who was included in, and who was excluded from such processes of citizenship granting and acquisition? What have been the expectations of the state from its citizens? And to what extend is citizenship overwhelmed with ideology?

Dimitris Christopoulos (Athens, 1969) is a Greek academic, writer and activist. Ηe serves as Professor at the Department of Political Science and History of Panteion University in Athens where he teaches ever since 2000. He has been elected President of the International Federation for Human Rights in 2016. FIDH Vice President in 2013 after having chaired the board of the Hellenic League for Human Rights, the biggest and oldest Greek human rights association, ( for eight years (2003-2011). Christopoulos has studied law in Greece, political science in France, legal theory in Belgium and holds a French Phd in Public Law. He has taught as visiting professor and has provided lectures in different universities in Europe and the US.. His academic publications and books reflect par excellence his interventions as a public intellectual in the field of human rights, migration, minorities and citizenship. Christopoulos is frequently interviewed by international or Greek media, writes regularly in the Greek and to a lesser extend to the

Further biographical data and his publications in

When: Tuesday 24 September 2019, 7.00pm

Where: Greek Centre, Level 2, 329 Elizabeth St, Melbourne

Alphington Grammar Koinotika Nea - the Greek Community newsletter Requirements for Greek Citizenship

