- Τίτλος:
- Sport: 3rd Hellenic Tennis Open
- Πότε:
27.04.2012 - 28.04.2012
- Που:
Cretan Village -
Wantirna South
- Κατηγορία:
The PanCretan Association of Melbourne & Australia and the Greek Community of Melbourne & Victoria host the annual Hellenic Tennis Open where the finest tennis athletes of Hellenic descent will engage in battle and produce some of the finest tennis at junior and senior levels.
The event runs under the auspices of Tennis Australia with a total of $4,000 in prize money to be won. For further information visit www.pancretan.com.au or call 0419 856 736
Supported by the 2012 Antipodes Festival.
Cretan Village 90 Cathies Lane, Wantirna South
Τόπος διεξαγωγής
- Venue:
Cretan Village
- Οδός:
90 Cathies Lane
- ΤΚ:
- Πόλη:
Wantirna South
- Νομός:
Χωρίς Περιγραφή
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