Holiday Program Enrolment

The Greek Community Language Schools Holiday Program Enrolment Form

Come to a fascinating journey millions of years back in time, to the era when dinosaurs ruled the Earth and mysteriously disappeared.

Calling all young explorers! This school holiday, embark on an exciting journey back in time with our Dinosaur Adventure Program, designed for curious kids aged 4 to 8 years. This engaging and educational program will transport your child to the age of dinosaurs, where they’ll discover fascinating facts, create dino-themed crafts, and enjoy interactive activities that spark their imagination.

Age Group: 4-8 years
Cost: $40 for one session or $70 for two sessions
Includes: Morning tea provided

Our fun-filled sessions will not only introduce children to the world of dinosaurs but will also encourage social interaction, creativity, and hands-on learning. Perfect for kids with a big curiosity for the prehistoric world!

Spots are limited, so book today and give your child an unforgettable holiday experience.

Greek Centre (CBD): 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, 10am-1pm (click for map)

Huntingdale Campus: Huntingdale Hall, Germain St, Oakleigh South, 10am-1pm (click for map)

Ballwyn North Campus: Belle Vue PS, 20 Highview Rd, Balwyn North, 10am-1pm (click for map)

Τα Σχολεία της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας Μελβούρνης (ΕΚΜ) ετοιμάζονται να ταξιδέψουν τους μικρούς τους φίλους σε ένα υπέροχο πρόγραμμα σχολικών διακοπών, που θα υλοποιηθεί τη Τρίτη, 1 Οκτωβρίου, στο Huntingdale Hall, την Τετάρτη, 2 Οκτωβρίου, στο Ελληνικό Κέντρο και την Πέμπτη 3 Οκτωβρίου στο BelleVue P.S, Balwyn North.

Το πρωτότυπο αυτό πρόγραμμα, που απευθύνεται σε παιδιά ηλικίας 4 ως 8 ετών ανεξάρτητα από το επίπεδο γνώσης της ελληνικής γλώσσας.

1. Campus / Days / Features
Huntingdate :*

Στα ίχνη των δεινόσαυρων // Dinosaur Trails

Invalid Input
Greek Centre (CBD) :*

Στα ίχνη των δεινόσαυρων // Dinosaur Trails

Invalid Input
Balwyn North :*

Στα ίχνη των δεινόσαυρων // Dinosaur Trails

Invalid Input
Please select relevant dates first

2. Student Details
First Name:*
Please enter the student's first name.

Last Name:*
Please enter the student's last name.

Όνομα (Ελληνικά):
Please enter your last name.

Επώνυμο (Ελληνικά):
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Date of Birth:*
Invalid Date of Birth

School Year Level :*
Please select the year level.

4. Student Medical Details
Invalid Input

Allergies Details:
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Does the student have Anaphylaxis requiring an Auto-Injector?
If yes you need to provide us with THREE COLOURED copies of the Action Plan For Anaphylaxis.

Invalid Input

Does the student have Asthma?
If yes you need to provide us with a copy of the Asthma Action Plan.

Special Requirements / Needs / Illness / Disability:*
Invalid Input

Does the student have any needs that require special attention from the staff / teachers?

Special Requirements / Needs / Illness / Disability Details:
Invalid Input

(please provide details)

Doctor's Name:
Please enter the name of your emergency contact.

Doctor's Address:
Invalid Input

Doctor's Phone:
Please enter the contact number of your emergency contact.

5. Home/Family Details
Street Address:*
Please enter your address.

Home Suburb:
Invalid Input

Home PostCode:*
Invalid Input

Home Phone:
Please enter your phone number.

6. Parent / Guardian #1
Please enter the name of the Parent/Guardian.

Mobile Phone:*
Please enter the Parent/Guardian's personal telephone number.

Email: *
Invalid Input

Parent/Guardian Relationship:*
Please provide the nature of the relationship.

Work Phone:
Please enter the contact number of your emergency contact.

7. Parent / Guardian #2
Please enter the name of your emergency contact.

Mobile Phone:
Please enter the contact number of your emergency contact.

Invalid Input

Parent/Guardian Relationship:
Please provide your contact number.

Work Phone:
Please enter the contact number of your emergency contact.

8. Emergency Contact (in case guardians are not available)
Please enter the name of the emergency contact for this student.

Phone Number:*
Please enter the contact number of the emergency contact for this student.

Please enter how the emergency contact and the student are related.

9. Legal Restrictions
Legal Restrictions:*
Invalid Input

Are there any legal restrictions such as court orders in relation to the student or parents?
If yes you need to provide us with a copy of the Court's Orders.

Legal Restrictions Details:
Invalid Input

10. Photo Permission
Photo Permission:*
Invalid Input

  1. I consent to and provide permission for the photographic, video or audio recording of my child / student, to be used by authorized personnel in various communications and media (e.g. School Newsletter, Website, Displays and Folders of the Greek Afternoon Schools, etc).
  2. I understand that my child / student will not be personally identified in any use of the material.
  3. I authorize the use or reproduction of any recording referred to above without acknowledgment and without being entitled to remuneration or compensation.
11. Payment Details
Total Amount $
Please enter a number.

Name on Card:*
Please confirm your Credit Card Details.

Cardholder Address:*
Please confirm your Credit Card Details.

Card Number:*
Please confirm your Credit Card Details.

Visa or MasterCard

Card Expiry (mm/yy):*
Please confirm your Credit Card Details.

Card CVC:*
Please confirm your Credit Card Details.

12. Submission
Your name (person filling the form):*
Please enter your full name.

How did you hear about us:
Invalid Input

Human Verification

Please submit the form once for each child.

All information provided is strictly confidential and will only be accessed by the GOCMV and Teaching Staff members.

PRIVACY NOTICE CONFIRMATION: By filling-in this form, paying the fees and sending your child/children to this program you agree to abide by the school's rules, and you authorize the staff at GOCMV (where we are unable to contact one of the Guardian or Emergency Contacts you provided) to seek and/or administer emergency medical treatment as is reasonably necessary and to reimburse relevant expenses
