At the office of the Greek Community of Melbourne are available for sale the following books:
NIKOS: Readings in Kazantzakis, Howard F. Dossor
In this collection of essays Howard F. Dossor takes us into the Kazantzakian intellectual landscape and helps us explore his ideas for ourselves.
Language: English
Price: $25
NK: A Kazantzakian Montage, Howard F. Dossor
In this dramatic presentation of Kazantzakis’ life and thought, Howard F. Dossor has drawn on two major texts written by Kazantzakis, Report to Greco and Saviors of God: Spiritual Exercises.
Language: English
Price: $15
Nα με λέτε Αιμίλιο, Αιμίλιος Κύρου
This book traces Emilios Kyrou, Justice of the Supreme Court of VIctoria, family’s history in a Greek village, their migration to Australia and his life in a Melbourne suburb until he commenced his legal career.
Language: Greek
Price: $30
Call me Emilios, Emilios Kyrou
This book traces Emilios Kyrou, Justice of the Supreme Court of VIctoria, family’s history in a Greek village, their migration to Australia nad his life in a Melbourne suburb until he commenced his legal career.
Language: English
Price: $30
Christos Tsiolkas: The Untold Story, John Vasilakakos
The first in depth systematic look at the life and work of one of Australia’s most popular and controversial storytellers.
Language: English
Price: $30
Χρήστος Τσιόλκας: Η Αγνωστη Ιστορία, Γιάννης Βασιλακάκος
This book is the first in depth systematic look at the life and work of one of Australia’s most popular and controversial storytellers.
Language: Greek
Price: $30
Η άγνωστη αλληλογραφία του Κώστα Ταχτσή, Γιάννης Βασιλακάκος

An intriguing book about the turbulent life of Greek author Kostas Tachtsis during his stay in Australia.
Language: Greek
Price: $30
Black Night White Day: Greece-born women in Australia, John Yannakis

This book is the result of a unique 45 year longitudinal study that addresses the integration of 78 single brave young Greek women who left their homeland villages and small towns to resettle in Australia during the 1960s.
Language: English
Price: $40
The Embroiderer, Kathryn Gauci

Set against the backdrop of the mosques and minarets of Asia Minor and the classical ruins of ancient Athens, The Embroiderer is a sweeping family saga spanning several generations.
Language: English
Price: $35
Greek Cafes & Milk Bars of Australia, Effy Alexakis and Leonard Janiszewski
In Australia we still remember, in each suburb and every country town, was the Greek café or milk bar. Effy Alexakis and Leonard Janiszewski captured the faces and stories, the style and the ethos that gave our popular culture one of its most memorable expressions.
Language: English
Price: $50
The Story of Chalkidikians in Australia, Anastasios Myrodis Tamis
This book is the story of the Chalkidians immigrating to Australia with 360 pages of details, history and 180+ photos. The book would be a great source for students studying the flow of immigrants into and within Australia.
Price: $50
If you are interested to buy please call our office: (03) 9662 2722 or email:
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