Modern Greek for Late Beginners

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their communication skills in Modern Greek and their knowledge and understanding of the Greek language and culture. This elementary level will introduce the Greek alphabet, greetings and introductions, and how to describe various daily activities. No prior knowledge of Greek is required.

Target group: students aged 10-18,who begin to learn Greek at a later stage.

1. A1 level courses preparing students to be able to:

  • understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
  • introduce themselves and others and ask and answer questions about personal details such as where they live, people they know and things they have.
  • interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.


Provided only online – Wednesdays 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Commences: 9 October 2024

Duration: 10 weeks x 2 hours

Cost: $310 (plus cost of coursebooks $150 if applicable)

Class is limited to 10 students.


To attend the online sessions, all you need is the link we will provide via email, a device with internet connection, a webcam and a microphone.

Course Description

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their communication skills in Modern Greek and their knowledge and understanding of the Greek language and culture.

No prior knowledge of Greek is required.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Recognise and write the letters of the Greek alphabet
  • Read and write simple sentences in Greek
  • Exchange greetings in Greek
  • Introduce themselves and others
  • Identify and use numbers and concepts of time
  • Ask and respond to questions about personal details such as name, nationality, family, hobbies and interests
  • Express likes and dislikes
  • Use language appropriate for certain social occasions
  • Identify and use grammatical concepts in Greek
    • The verbs 'to be' and 'to have'
    • Definite and Indefinite articles
    • Nouns (declension)
    • Pronouns (personal, interrogative and possessive)
    • Verbs (First conjugation – Present tense)

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Provided only online – Tuesdays 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Commences: 8 October 2024

Duration: 9 weeks x 2 hours

Cost: $279 (plus cost of coursebooks $150 if applicable)

Class is limited to 10 students.

To attend the online sessions, all you need is the link we will provide via email, a device with internet connection, a webcam and a microphone.

Course Description

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their communication skills in Modern Greek and their knowledge and understanding of the Greek language and culture.

If you have not attended Beginners’ Level A1.1, you need to contact us for a language skill assessment before enrolling in this level.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Exchange personal information, e.g. home, language, nationality, job etc.
  • Ask and answer questions about the natural environment
  • Ask for something in a polite way
  • Talk about a country
  • Identify and use ordinal and cardinal numbers
  • Express likes and dislikes
  • Describe oneself and others
  • Ask and answer questions about one’s job or studies
  • Ask and answer questions about one’s workplace
  • Identify and use grammatical concepts in Greek
    • The accusative and genitive case of nouns/pronouns/adjectives
    • Prepositions
    • Pronouns (personal, demonstrative, interrogative, indefinite and possessive)
    • Verbs (First conjugation – Future tense)
    • Verbs (Second conjugation – Present tense)
    • Adverbs (of quantity, manner, place)
    • Adjectives
    • Adjective and noun agreement
    • Plural of nouns
    • The accusative of the personal pronoun (αυτόν/τον, αυτήν/την,αυτό/το)
    • The demonstrative pronoun (εκείνος, εκείνη, εκείνο)
    • The possessive pronoun - plural (μας, σας, τους)

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Provided only online – Fridays 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Commences: 11 October 2024

Duration: 10 weeks x 2 hours

Cost: $310 plus cost of coursebooks if required

Class is limited to 10 students.

To attend the online sessions, all you need is the link we will provide via email, a device with internet connection, a webcam and a microphone.

Course Description                                                                                                                                                             

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their communication skills in Modern Greek and their knowledge and understanding of the Greek language and culture.

If you have not attended Beginners’ Level A1.1 and A1.2, you need to contact us for a language skill assessment before enrolling in this level.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Ask what someone is doing now/ does every day
  • Talk about the weather
  • Ask about the price of something
  • Make additions
  • Ask and answer questions about one’s job or studies
  • Ask and answer questions about one’s workplace
  • Ask and answer questions about one’s present or future activities
  • Express likes and dislikes
  • Describe one’s personal profile and preferences
  • Talk about where something is - location
  • Identify and use grammatical concepts in Greek
    • Verbs in Present and in Future tense
    • The indefinite pronoun “κάθε”
    • The phrase “μου αρέσει”
    • Verbs of conjugation B’
    • The accusative of the personal pronoun (αυτόν/τον, αυτήν/την,αυτό/το)
    • The demonstrative pronoun (εκείνος, εκείνη, εκείνο)
    • The possessive pronoun - plural (μας, σας, τους)
    • The indefinite pronouns (κάθε, άλλος-η-ο, κανείς-καμία-κανένα)
    • The adverbs of place (μέσα, έξω, μπροστά, πίσω, επάνω κλπ.)
    • The third person verb υπάρχει
    • Plural of adjectives
    • Adjective and noun agreement

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Provided only online – Wednesdays 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Commences: 9 October 2024

Duration: 10 weeks x 2 hours

Cost: $310 (plus cost of coursebooks $150 if required)

Class is limited to 10 students.

To attend the online sessions, all you need is the link we will provide via email, a device with internet connection, a webcam and a microphone.


Course Description

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their communication skills in Modern Greek and their knowledge and understanding of the Greek language and culture.

If you have not attended Beginners’ Level A1.3, you need to contact us for a language skill assessment before enrolling in this level.



By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Ask for something in a polite way
  • Talk about location
  • Talk about a country
  • Talk about origin and citizenship
  • Colours
  • Ask about the price of a product
  • Ask and answer questions about quantity
  • Give reasons why
  • Specify the quantity
  • Identify and use grammatical concepts in Greek
    • Singular of adjectives ending in -ος-η-ο, -ος-α-ο, -ός, -ιά, -ό
    • Plural of neuter nouns ending in -o, -ι
    • Plural of neuter adjectives ending in -ο
    • Adjective and noun agreement
    • The indefinite indeclinable pronouns: κάτι, τίποτε, τίποτα
    • The interrogative pronoun: πόσος, πόση, πόσο
    • The plural of the indefinite and interrogative pronouns: άλλος-η-ο, ποιος-ποια-ποιο
    • The cardinal numbers 100-1999
    • Nouns
    • The expression “μου αρέσουν”
    • Pronouns “κάτι, τίποτα”
    • Interrogative pronouns
    • The three genders of the cardinal numbers 1,3,4
    • Sentences with γιατί
    • The adjective “πολύς, πολλή, πολύ”

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2. A2 level courses preparing students to be able to:

  • understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
  • communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
  • describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.



Provided only online – Wednesdays 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Commences: 9 October 2024

Duration: 10 weeks x 2 hours 

Cost: $310 plus cost of coursebooks $125 if required 

Class is limited to 10 students. 

To attend the online sessions, all you need is the link we will provide via email, a device with internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. 

Course Description                                                                                                                                                              

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their communication skills in Modern Greek and their knowledge and understanding of the Greek language and culture.  

If you have not attended Beginners’ Level A1, you need to contact us for a language skill assessment before enrolling in this level.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Ask and give information regarding a person
  • Describe an event / an accident in a chronological order
  • Describe a person (face, body, clothes, personality)
  • Express my opinion about somebody
  • Identify and use grammatical concepts in Greek 
    • Verbs ending in -ω / -όμαι
    • Compound verbs with prepositions
    • The verbs «ασχολούμαι» and «κλαίω»
    • Indirect speech
    • The noun «ο χρόνος»
    • Verbs in -άμαι
    • Adverbs followed by personal pronouns
    • Main and subordinate clauses
    • The definite pronoun «ο ίδιος – η ίδια – το ίδιο»


Book Details for the Level A2:
"Greek for you, A2" (student book and activity book) + shipping
Book + Shipping Cost:$140 (125$ the cost of the book + 15$ the postage fees)

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Provided only online – Mondays 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Commences: 7 October 2024

Duration: 10 weeks x 2 hours

Cost: $310 (plus cost of coursebooks 125$ if required)

Class is limited to 10 students.

To attend the online sessions, all you need is the link we will provide via email, a device with internet connection, a webcam and a microphone.


Course Description

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their communication skills in Modern Greek and their knowledge and understanding of the Greek language and culture.

If you have not attended Beginners’ Level Α2.2, you need to contact us for a language skill assessment before enrolling in this level.


By the end of the course, students will learn about:

  • Learnt about the Greek culture
  • Greetings/Introductions
  • Family relations
  • Personal life
  • Free/Leisure time
  • Agree, I disagree, express doubt
  • Ask information about the boats/renting a car
  • Discuss at the gas station
  • Say what is wrong with my car
  • Describe a trip
  • Complain
  • Ask information about the weather
  • Identify and use grammatical concepts in Greek 
    • Diminutives
    • Να τος/να τη/ να το
    • Verbs with the ending in -ομαι & -άμαι
    • Adjective αρκετός,-ή,-ό and indefinite pronouns κάποιος,-α,-ο & μερικοί,-ές,-ά
    • Indirect speech
    • The position of the possessive pronoun
    • Subjunctive and Imperative moods
    • Conditional clauses
    • Neuter names

