- Τίτλος:
- Celebration: Alphington Grammar School Greek Independence Day celebration
- Πότε:
- Που:
Alphington Grammar -
- Κατηγορία:
Ελληνικές Εορτές
Alphington Grammar strives to combine the best of Hellenic traditions with the latest in educational practice. The Greek Independence Day Assembly at its modern Andrianakos Centre is a perfect way to experience the proud allegiance of all students to the Greek community and the depth of their understanding of the significance of 25th March.
Community members are welcome to join the school community at this important assembly and will include musical items, poetry, dances and speeches in Greek and English from student leaders and dignitaries.
Supported by the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne & Victoria
Alphington Grammar School 18 Old Heidelberg Road Alphington.
9497 4777
Τόπος διεξαγωγής
- Venue:
Alphington Grammar
- Οδός:
18 Old Heidelberg Road
- ΤΚ:
- Πόλη:
- Νομός:
Established by the Greek Community of Melbourne and Victoria in 1989, the Alphington Grammar School has been designed from its inception to be academically strong, non-denominational and to embrace teaching excellence and cultural diversity.
Situated on 3 hectares of attractive parkland abutting Darebin Creek, just 7 kilometres from the CBD, Alphington Grammar School is accessible by public transport, major commuter corridors and within easy reach of inner, eastern and northern suburbs. The school also has a number of private bus services throughout the suburbs that bring students to our school. Alphington Grammar School also boasts an abundance of open space, shaded by native fauna and flora and mature landscape making it an idyllic learning environment.
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