The Ambassador of Greece to Australia Ms Ekaterini Xagorari together with the Consul General of Melbourne, Ms Christina Simantiraki, officially visited the Greek Centre and the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM), on Wednesday 24 August and met with Mr Bill Papastergiadis (President), Mr Costas Markos (General Secretary), Mr Jim Bossinakis (Board Member) and Mr Jorge Menidis (Director, Greek Centre for Contemporary Culture).
Australian historian and author Dr Peter Ewer (photo) will present a lecture entitled “First Victory: the defence of Greece, 1940” at the Greek Centre of Contemporary Culture, on Thursday 1 September 2016, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne.
Goody’s Burger House has landed in Melbourne, at the ground floor of the Greek Centre. From the first day it was flooded with customers who enjoyed trying the delicious Greek burgers and the other meals they serve.
Melbourne Art Foundation presents the 2016 Lectures and Forums Program in association with Liquid Architecture and the Research Unit in Public Cultures (RUPC) – University of Melbourne, at the Greek Centre for Contemporary Culture from18 to 20 August 2016. |
The Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) will schedule a meeting with all the interested parties to ensure the continuation of the Greek language teaching program at the Northcote High School following the School Council’s decision to discontinue the teaching of Greek and Italian.
Dr Maria Shialis (photo) will present a lecture entitled “Pre and Post-invasion Cyprus: Fact finding missions by Don Dunstan and Nick Bolkus”, on Thursday 25 August 2016, at the Greek Centre, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars, offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne.
Professor Michael Tsianikas of Flinders University, South Australia, will give a lecture on “Dionysios Solomos: Romanticism, Idealism and the Quest of the Free Spirit”, on Thursday 18 August 2016, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne.
Make The Greek Centre your Friday night destination with Live at the Greek, a fortnightly music program showcasing Melbourne's best Greek musicians.
At the office of the Greek Community of Melbourne are available for sale the following books:
The 23rdDelphi Bank Greek Film Festival, presented in Victoria by the Greek Community of Melbourne, is set to open at The Astor with the internationally cast feature film from Christopher Papakaliatis, Worlds Apart.
The Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) will provide assistance to those who need help with completing the Census online on 9 August 2016.
By JOHN TRIPIDAKIS | In order to get a Greek (European) Passport, one must prove his /her Greek Nationality. Pursuant to the Greek Nationality Code, the child of a Greek male or Greek female obtains the Greek Nationality at birth.
Historian Jim Claven will tell the story of Gunner James Zampelis, Australia’s only Anzac of Hellenic heritage to die in the defence of Greece in 1941, in a lecture he will give at the Greek Centre, on Thursday 11 August 2016, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne.
It is widely accepted that Greeks played a major role in the development of mathematics in ancient times. Although more contemporary Greek mathematicians may not be as famous as Pythagoras, Archimedes and Euclid, their contributions have nevertheless been profound. |
The president of the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM), Bill Papastergiadis, during his recent visit to Athens, delivered a speech at a meeting of the Special Permanent Committee on Greeks Abroad of the Greek Parliament and met with Ministers Panagiotis Kouroumblis, Eukleidis Tsakalotos and Th. Pelegrinis.
The city’s Greek Centre was a haven for foodies across two weekends with cooking classes for all ages, a Trivia Night and a spectacular dinner hosted by Cretan restaurant Elyros.
Documentary photographer, Effy Alexakis, and historian, Leonard Janiszewski, have been researching the Greek-Australian historical and contemporary presence in both Australia and Greece since 1982. Their project and archives, In Their Own Image: Greek-Australians, encompasses visual, oral and literary material and is based at Macquarie University, Sydney.
Make The Greek Centre your Friday night destination with Live at the Greek, a fortnightly music program showcasing Melbourne's best Greek musicians. Grab the parea, settle in with a drink and enjoy an evening of traditional and contemporary sounds.
The hilarious, smash hit film returns to the stage! Ten years since their love story began, Alex and Eve bring their laugh-out-loud romantic comedy back to the stage for an intimate season of shows at The Greek Centre.
After a sellout run at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and rave reviews, Melbourne-born and raised comedian George Dimarelos is bringing his show George & Co. (The Solo Tour) to The Greek Centre for all those unlucky to have missed it the first time!
Dr Costas Laoutides from the Deakin University will present a lecture about the Kurdish Question in Turkey, at the Greek Centre, on Thursday 28 July 2016, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne. |
The Hellenic Medical Society of Australia (HMSA) is hosting an open public seminar on depression at the Greek Centre, on Sunday 24 July, at 5:00pm.
An interesting lecture about Australia’s British Greeks will be presented by Andonis Piperoglou on Thursday 14 July, at the Greek Centre, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars, offered for sixth consecutive year by the Greek Community of Melbourne.
“Iakovos Vasilikos, the Samian king of Moldovia” is the topic of a lecture Dean Kalymniou, will present on Thursday 7 July 2016, at the Greek Centre, as part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars, for sixth consecutive year by the Greek Community of Melbourne.
Australian Greens announced their support to Melbourne's Greek Community (GCM) and its programs. The announcement was made by the Australian Greens federal member for Melbourne, Adam Bandt, during his visit to the Greek Centre, on Monday 27 June, where he met with members of the GCM Board.
Flavours of Greece, an event of the Greek Community of Melbourne, returns to the Greek Centre with a curated program that includes Kids Cooking Classes, an intimate dinner hosted by the team from Elyros (Camberwell), hands-on classes by Mary Valle and Angela Nicolettou plus a Greek Gastronomy Trivia Night hosted by tuck-shop arch-enemies “Frosso” and “Judy”.
More than one hundred people had a unique opportunity to taste high quality new Greek wines in a special wine tasting event organised by the Consulate General of Greece in Melbourne and the Greek Community of Melbourne, on Wednesday evening.
The arts in Greek lands under Venetian rule, during the period from 15th to 17th centuries, is the topic of a lecture Dr Alfred Vincent will present on Thursday 30 June, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars, at the Greek Centre. |
The Shadow Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus; the Member for Hotham, Clare O’Neil; and Labor’s candidate for Wills, Peter Khalil; today announced that a Shorten Labor Government will provide almost $600,000 in support for Melbourne’s vibrant Greek community.

A re-elected Turnbull Coalition Government will invest $590,000 to support the invaluable contribution the Greek community makes to Melbourne.
Over 33,500 people attended a fierce encounter between the Greek National Football Team and the Socceroos at Etihad Stadium on Tuesday night.
The Victorian Government together with the Greek Community of Melbourne welcomed Greece’s National Mens Football Team on Monday morning at a function held at the Greek Centre overlooking Lonsdale Street. The team was in Melbourne to play a friendly against the Caltex Socceroos on Tuesday 7 June at Etihad Stadium.
Dr John Yiannakis will present an interesting lecture about the Greek–Australian women, on Thursday 16 June, at the Greek Centre, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminar series offered for sixth consecutive year by the Greek Community of Melbourne.
A lecture about Kazantzakis’ Askitiki will be presented by Howard F. Dossor next Thursday 2 June, at the Greek Centre, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne.
Professor William Christie from the Australian National University will present a lecture entitled “Lord Byron and the Greek Revolution” on Thursday 9 June 2016, at the Greek Centre, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne. |
Make The Greek Centre your Friday night destination with the launch of LIVE AT THE GREEK, a fortnightly music program showcasing Melbourne's best Greek musicians.
The book Fathers from the Edge - Greek-Australian reflections on fathers edited by Helen Nickas and published by Owl Publishing, will be launched at the Greek Centre, on Tuesday 24 May 2016, at 6.30pm.
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is developing information resources in Greek for people affected by secondary breast cancer.
An interesting lecture on the connection between the quality of life and the Greek folk dancing was presented by Ms Maria Bougiesi on Tuesday, 17 May 2016, at the Greek Centre. She has been involved in Hellenic-Greek dance since her childhood. ‘Greek dance is one of the most secure and complete ways for exercise and socialization that lead to physical and mental harmony and has been created from daily people’s life’ as she refers.
“Between Scylla and Charybdis: Cyprus and the Problem of Engineering Political Settlements for Divided Societies” is the topic of the lecture to be presented by Dr Christalla Yakinthou from the University of Birmingham, on Thursday 26 May 2016, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne.
The Greek Centre of Contemporary Culture and the Melbourne University are pleased to present the launch of two books by academic and writer Dr. John Vassilakakos (photo), on Wednesday, 25 May at 6:30pm.
The Committee “Speak Greek in March” in collaboration with the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria, the Modern Greek Teachers Association of Victoria, the Greek – Australian Cultural League of Melbourne and the Hellenic Writers Association of Australia are pleased to present the launch of the book “You know more Greek than you think!” by Kyriakos Amanatides.
The Hellenic Medical Society of Australia (HMSA) is holding a free cardiology information seminar for the general public, to answer some common questions about heart health.
“The Pontian guerrilla movement during the Genocide” is the topic of the lecture to be presented by well-known poet and short story writer Dean Kalimnios, next Thursday 19 May, as a part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars, offered for the sixth consecutive year by the Greek Community of Melbourne. This lecture is a joint event with Pontiaki Estia Melbourne.
The Greek Community of Melbourne’s Holy Church of “St George” celebrates its Feast Day on Monday, 2 May. |
On the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete and Greece, the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand presented an evening with Glenda Humes - the daughter of Captain Reg Saunders. |
A symposium on the Philosophical Schools of ancient Athens with Classics & Archaeology staff from the University of Melbourne will be organised by the Greek Community of Melbourne, on Thursday, 5 May 2016, as part of the Greek History and Culture Seminars series, offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne for six consecutive years.
A roundtable discussion on the theme of the refugee crisis in Syria, Greece and Europe will be organised by the Greek Community of Melbourne in collaboration with the Deakin University, on Monday, 9 May 2016, at the Greek Centre, with a panel of distinguished academics and experts.
Με μεγάλη επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε την Κυριακή 24 Απριλίου το απόγευμα το φιλολογικό μνημόσυνο για τον αείμνηστο διακεκριμένο Ελληνο-Αυστραλό ποιητή Δημήτρη Τσαλουμά που διοργάνωσε η Ελληνική Κοινότητα Μελβούρνης με άλλους παροικιακούς οργανισμούς για να τον τιμήσουν. |
On the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete and Greece, the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand are proud to present an evening with Glenda Humes - the daughter of Captain Reg Saunders. |